Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)
Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)

Split Type Hydraulic Nut Splitter (NC Series)

Koarte beskriuwing:

Split type hydraulyske nut splitter wurdt brûkt yn yndustriële apparatuer yn 'e iepen loft, hege temperatuer of corrosive omjouwing, dêr roest corrosie fermoarde, thread bump skea, ensfh Om fuortsmite de nut fan it plak, meastal fuortsmite de rust nut is hiel dreech.

De gewoane praktyk is in gebrûk (gas) welding nut en bolt tegearre cutoff, mar yn guon bysûndere omstannichheden, guon ferbiede welding operaasje. Lykas stienkoalminen, stienkoal-ûntsleine enerzjysintrale stienkoal opslach, pipeline en hege-druk hege temperatuer pipelines, ensfh, ferfange de moer bout noch dreger.

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    Foar fragen oer ús produkten of priislist, lit jo e-post nei ús litte en wy sille binnen 24 oeren kontakt opnimme.

    Yndustry Applications

    Metallurgy, macht, petrochemyske, papiermûnen, semintplanten en oare yndustry

    Spesifikaasjes & dimmen

    Model Thread Diameter Nut Across Flats IN B C D F H Gewicht
    (M) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
    KET-NC-1319 6-12 10-19 40 200 6 19 28 48 1.2
    KET-NC-1924 12-16 19-24 55 227 8 25 38 71 2.0
    KET-NC-2432 16-22 24-32 66 260 10 31 49 76 3.0
    KET-NC-3241 22-27 32-41 75 286 15 35 66 89 4.4
    KET-NC-4150 27-33 41-50 96 325 21 45 73 109 8.2
    KET-NC-5060 33-39 50-60 106 366 27 54 126 126 12
    KET-NC-6075 39-48 60-75 156 367 27 75 110 180 34


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    Flens corroded moer split
    Corroded nut split
    Flens corroded moer split



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